
Whether you call them graduation photos, senior portraits, or yearbook pictures, they are the one perfect occasion to capture the essence of a person as they transition from youth to adulthood. That’s why you want to trust that irreplaceable moment to someone who will help you relax, enjoy the time in front of the camera, and show off your true self.

Carrie V.

Carrie wanted snow in her graduation portraits. Well, she got more than she bargained for! It was 15°F and actively snowing during her shoot at Castlewood Canyon State Park. Despite some shivers, the pictures turned out great!

Chris W.

Living in one of the rural communities around Denver proper, Chris is an avid rider. Naturally, he wanted to have his graduation portraits include his friend and riding partner!

Simon P.

As has happened to many teens before him, Simon left his senior portraits until the last possible minute! Fortunately, we were able to meet up by the Capitol building and capture his Matrix-inspired urban chic just in time!