
I see modeling shoots as a visual dance between the photographer and the model. Of necessity, the photographer leads. But the real beauty of the dance only happens when the model is given room to relax, improvise, and bring their own creativity and personality to the shoot.

Edenya M.

Edenya is a gorgeous young woman who aspires to be a professional model. The first step is to get a professional-level portfolio together which matches her agency’s exacting standards.

Jamie J.

When Jamie found out she was expecting, she wanted to get in a glamorous fashion shoot before she started showing. So, one chilly day, she turned up in a flaming red dress at the Cherry Creek Reservoir for our shoot!

Tina J.

Tina’s recently made a few changes for the better in her life, and she felt like treating herself to a photo shoot. Her renewed joy and confidence shines out, and—with just a little prompting—she really got into it!